Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic + Other Hypoallergenic Cats

Having a cat allergy does not need to stop you from keeping a cat as your own. However, it’s important to note that many sources will claim that certain breeds are hypoallergenic when they are not. So, are Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

While several breeds are often said to be hypoallergenic, very few studies are available on the subject. When asking, “are Siamese cats hypoallergenic“, it’s important to know that no studies currently conclude the allergenic status of the breed. To find out more, read on with us today!

Are Siamese Hypoallergenic Cats?

According to a 2018 study, 80 to 95% of people who struggle with cat allergies are most reactive to Fel d 1 protein. However, there are ten cat allergens. All cats produce Fel d 1 protein in their saliva, skin, fur, and sebaceous glands. In cats, hormonal status modifies the production of Fel d 1 – male cats produce more of this protein than females, and castrated males produce less than intact males. Kittens can also produce less Fel d 1 than adult cats. Interestingly, hair length does not appear to affect the production of Fel d 1.

Sources have noted that several cat breeds may produce less Fel d 1 than others (but current research is lacking). These include Siberians, Devon Rexes, and Balinese. Other cats within the Balinese cat lineage may also produce less Fel d 1, such as Oriental Shorthairs, Oriental Longhairs, and some Siamese cats. It is worth noting that the Balinese, a descendant of the Siamese, are more often noted as “hypoallergenic” than the regular Siamese. This may be because the Balinese’s long-haired genes are associated with lower production of Fel d 1. However, there are currently no studies that conclude these breed-specific theories.

Overall, Siamese cats are not 100% hypoallergenic, as no cat breed can be classified as such. However, they are a better choice for people with mild cat allergies. This is because they may produce fewer allergens and shed less hair than other breeds.

Can Siamese Cats Cause Severe Allergic Reactions?

Regardless of your cat’s breed, gender, and hormonal status, every cat may have a genetic predisposition to produce more or less Fel d 1. If you are allergic to cats but have had an allergy-free encounter with a particular cat, this cat may have produced fewer allergens that you are sensitive to. If you are particularly sensitive to specific cat allergens, the Siamese is still able to cause severe reactions depending on your own sensitivities. Overall, though, the Siamese may be a good choice for people with mild cat protein allergies. Siames shed less and may produce fewer allergens than some other cat breeds.

Before buying or adopting a Siamese cat, be sure to do your research. Always spend time with the cat before buying or adopting them. This way, you will have a better idea of how sensitive you are to their allergens. Unfortunately, allergies are one leading cause of relinquishing cats to shelters.

Are Siamese Low-shedding Cats?

Shedding is a normal process for any furry pet, and your Siamese cat is no exception. While this cat breed does shed regularly, it appears to lose less hair when compared to other cat breeds. Compared to other cat breeds, the Siamese sheds less hair around the home and needs less frequent grooming. If you want a low-shedding cat breed, but the Siamese doesn’t call out to you personally, consider the Burmese, Bombay, Bengal, Siberian, or Sphynx. Although it may seem counterintuitive to consider a long-hair breed as “hypoallergenic”, several long-haired cat breeds produce fewer allergens than short-haired breeds.

How to Groom Siamese Cats to Prevent Allergens

When grooming a cat, there are a few things you can do to reduce the possibility of allergens settling around your home. For example, wiping your cat down with a slightly damp cloth can help to remove dander from the surface of its coat. This is stress-free for most cats, and many will find it enjoyable, as it feels like you are stroking them. Always rinse the cloth well after use. Secondly, regular brushing helps to reduce the amount of loose hair and dander on your pet’s skin. It may be best to groom your cat outdoors or in a designated area to reduce hair loss inside the home.

Lastly, it’s essential to adopt a rigorous cleaning regime around the home. Cat dander will collect as dust on all surfaces, so being sure to regularly dust shelves and wipe down flat surfaces is essential. You should also strive to vacuum regularly and wash your cat’s bedding once a week.

Other Cat Breeds That Are Hypoallergenic

Several cat breeds are marketed as “hypoallergenic” or at the least, low-level allergenic. However, research into which breeds truly produce fewer allergens is severely lacking. To date, only the Siberian cat shows promise as a low-level allergenic breed with studies to back the claim up. Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic? Not quite, but they may still appeal to you for other reasons.


The Siberian is one breed that does show promise as a potentially “hypoallergenic” cat with studies to back it up. A 2017 study found that mutations of two genes (Ch1 and Ch2) responsible for encoding Fel d 1 may be responsible for the lesser allergic response from pet parents. Therefore, further investigation is necessary to assess if these two mutations are responsible for reduced allergen synthesis and whether these mutations can be used as markers for low-level allergenic cats.


Many sources, such as breeders, state that the Balinese may produce less Fel d 1 protein than other cat breeds. However, research on this matter is lacking at this time. There are no studies that conclusively decide whether the Balinese or other descendants of the Siamese truly produce less Fel d 1. However, it is worth noting that the Balinese breed does shed less hair than other cat breeds do. This may reduce the risk of coming into contact with allergens around the home.


The Bengal is often reputed to be a “hypoallergenic” breed that may produce less Fel d 1 protein than other breeds. However, there are currently no studies to conclude this theory, and we thus do not recommend making this assumption. However, Bengal cats have sleek, low-maintenance coats, and as such, they spend less time grooming themselves than other breeds. This potentially means less allergy-causing hair and dander around the home. It’s essential to provide a Bengal with a high-quality, balanced diet to maintain the quality of their skin and coat. By providing this, you will encounter less dry, flaky skin, less dander, and therefore fewer allergens for you.


The Burmese are another cat breed that is often said to be hypoallergenic. Its satin-like coat is low-shedding and low-maintenance, meaning that it’s a good choice for pet parents with mild cat allergies. However, although many sources suggest it is a hypoallergenic breed, there are no reputable studies that can conclusively decide if the breed produces fewer allergens than others.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats are another breed that is often said to be hypoallergenic. It is a famously low-shedding breed, with its tight, wavy undercoat that rarely sheds and requires little grooming. However, their short coats can be prone to oil and grease buildup – and Fel d 1 is known to be produced in the sebaceous glands of cats as well. As such, this breed is not 100% hypoallergenic, but it may still present a viable option for people with mild cat allergies.


Although Sphynx cats are commonly marketed as hypoallergenic due to their lack of hair, they are not 100% allergen-free. Fel d 1 protein is produced in the sebaceous glands of the skin, and Sphynx cats tend to have oily skin due to their lack of hair. As such, there is still a risk of coming into contact with these secretions as well as dander and saliva.

Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic: FAQs

So, are Siamese cats hypoallergenic? If you have any more questions about this topic, feel free to check out our Frequently Asked Questions for advice. If in doubt about your ability to care for a cat whilst suffering from allergies, it’s best to talk to your doctor for advice. It’s also essential to spend time with your new cat before bringing them home.

What is the most hypoallergenic cat?

Current research suggests that the breed with the most promise is the Siberian. This is the only breed to demonstrate a markedly unique mutation in its Fel d 1 production. Two mutations in the building blocks of Fel d 1 may be responsible for the low-level allergenic status of this breed. It is also low-shedding despite its long coat. As such, this breed may be a good choice for someone with mild allergies.

Are half/mix Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

No cat is 100% hypoallergenic, but you may find that Siamese cats and their descendants are more suitable for you than other breeds. This is because many Siamese and their mixes are low-shedding. However, always be sure to spend time with the cat before bringing them home. This will give you a better idea of how you will cope with their specific allergens.

Can you be allergic to a Siamese?

If you are allergic to cat proteins, you can be allergic to Siamese cats. All cats produce the same allergens. However, the amount varies from one cat to another. There are also significant differences within breeds as well as potentially between breeds.

Are Blue Point Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

If you are allergic to Siamese cats, you will find no difference when interacting with a Siamese of different coat color. Studies currently suggest that there is no significant difference between coat color and Fel d 1 production. However, ownership surveys have previously suggested that light-colored cats may be less allergenic than darker-coated cats. Research does not currently support this claim.

What gender of Siamese cat is better for allergies?

Some studies suggest that female cats produce less Fel d 1 than males. However, among males, castrated males appear to produce less Fel d 1 as well. It’s also worth noting that not all studies find a link between the cat’s sex and its Fel d 1 production. The most common link found is the link between age and Fel d 1 production. As a cat grows older, they produce less Fel d 1. So, overall, an older female Siamese may be more suitable, but it is not guaranteed.

Only the Siberian cat is known to produce fewer Fel d 1 proteins. However, other low-shedding breeds may be suitable for mildly allergic people. And, overall, older female cats or castrated male cats are a better choice for allergies.

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