Do All Kittens Have Blue Eyes + Breeds With Natural Blue Eyes

Have you ever asked yourself “do all kittens have blue eyes”? Well, technically yes. All kittens are born with blue eyes. 

But their eye color starts to change when they’re about six years old. This is right about when melanin starts producing in their irises. But can kittens have blue eyes permanently? Also, why don’t all kittens have blue eyes forever? Those are things that we’ll find out in this guide. 

Are All Kittens Born With Blue Eyes?

Yes, all kittens are born with blue eyes. But it’s rare for kittens to have a blue eye color as adult cats. Only a few of them retain their blue eye color as they age. The eye color of other kittens changes to default as they turn about six weeks old, which is when they develop eye pigmentation. These default colors include yellow, amber, and hazel. 

Cats with blue eyes don’t have melanin in their irises, causing the irises to be clear. As a result, the blood vessels inside the eyes are visible, leading to blue eye color. Moreover, kittens with blue eyes also tend to have white coats due to a lack of pigmentation in their skin. Such kittens are termed albino kittens or cats. 

Many people think kittens with blue eyes are prone to medical problems. The truth is that blue or any other eye color doesn’t, in itself, indicate health issues in kittens. With that said, cats with blue eyes often have white coats. And white colored coats are often associated with hearing problems in cats.

According to an article published in the Cornell Feline Health Center, over 65 to 85 percent of white cats with blue eyes are deaf. But some of these cats are only deaf in one ear. Additionally, the article mentions that if a white cat with one blue eye has hearing loss in one ear, the affected ear will be located on the same side as the blue eye.

When Does a Kitten’s Eye Color Change?

Generally speaking, a kitten’s eye color changes between 4-8 weeks of age. The age at which a kitten’s eye color changes varies from kitten to kitten. Some kittens are born with a permanent eye color, like blue-colored eyes. 

On the flip side, others tend to have their eye color change within a few months or up to a year. Moreover, the color-changing process will be complete by the time your kitten becomes three months of age. This makes it a bit tricky as the owner to judge what your kitten’s final adult eye color would be. However, isn’t that part of the fun as well?

The new eye color of kittens is usually permanent and stays with them for life. But some kittens keep changing their eye color gradually during the first year of life due to the production of melanin. Some kittens may even experience changes in eye color later in life due to certain diseases or medical conditions, such as eye trauma

Kittens With Blue Eyes

All things aside, it’s true that kittens with blue eyes look really cute. But what if you want the cat’s eye color to not change as it grows? Well, nobody can stop the kitten’s eye color from changing, but getting a breed that can naturally have blue eyes certainly improves the chances that your cat will retain its blue eye color throughout its life.

Below, we will delve into the different breeds of kittens that have blue eyes.


Balinese kittens are a breed of long-haired Siamese cats known for their distinctive blue eyes. These eyes are bright and piercing and stand out against the breed’s sleek, slender bodies and beautiful coat colors. Balinese kittens are also highly intelligent, friendly, and affectionate, making them great pets for families and individuals alike. 


Birman kittens have distinctive appearances, including their striking blue eyes. Their eyes are typically a deep, rich blue color and are surrounded by white fur. Moreover, they’re known for their friendly, affectionate personalities and their love for human companionship. 


Himalayan kittens, also known as “Himmies,” also tend to have blue eyes. Their eyes are usually pale blue, contrasting sharply with their dark fur and distinctive facial markings. Himalayan kittens are known for their gentle personalities. It’s important to note the blue eye color in Himalayan kittens may not always be present at birth and can sometimes take several months to develop. 


Javanese kittens have athletic bodies, great intelligence, and playful personalities. They have striking blue eyes, which are a defining characteristic of the breed. The eyes of Javanese kittens are usually a bright, piercing blue color that contrasts well with their long, elegant bodies. 

Ojos Azules

Ojos Azules, which translates to “blue eyes” in Spanish, is a breed of cats with distinctive blue eyes. These kittens are known for their affectionate personalities. They are generally quiet and easy-going and enjoy spending time with their owners and receiving affection. 


Ragdoll kittens are a breed of cats known for their laid-back personalities and affectionate natures. They are also popular for their striking blue eyes, usually a bright, piercing blue color that contrasts nicely with their silky coats and floppy bodies. Ragdoll kittens tend to enjoy human company and go limp and relaxed when they’re held or petted.


Siamese kittens are popular for their intelligence and distinctive voices. They are also famous for their blue eyes that contrast nicely with their sleek and elegant bodies and pointed coats. Additionally, some Siamese kittens may have one blue eye and one eye of a different color, a trait commonly seen in cats with a gene for partial albinism.


Snowshoe kittens tend to possess distinctive bi-colored coats and affectionate natures. They’re highly social and love spending time with their owners and other pets, making them an excellent choice for families or individuals who enjoy an affectionate, interactive pet. Moreover, their striking blue eye color looks highly pleasant. 

Turkish Angora

Tonkinese kittens are popular for their playful personalities, sociable natures, and distinctive coats. They are also known for their blue eyes, ranging from pale to deep, rich blue. The blue eyes of Tonkinese kittens are a defining characteristic of the breed and add to their already charming and playful appearance. 

Should I Worry If My Cat’s Eye Color Doesn’t Change? 

If your cat’s eye color doesn’t change, it’s generally nothing to worry about. The amount and type of melanin determine eye color in the iris. Some kittens are born with a particular eye color that remains relatively consistent throughout their lives, while others may experience changes in eye color as they age.

If you have a kitten with a specific eye color that does not change, this is likely normal for that kitten and breed. For instance, Siamese and Himalayan kittens tend to have blue eyes forever. Still, you can visit a vet to ensure there’s no underlying issue. Your vet will take a detailed exam of your cat and come to the conclusion of whether or not it has any visual or auditory problems. Even though this might feel like an unnecessary step if your cat is not displaying any symptoms of poor eyesight or hearing, sometimes visiting the vet just for some mental satisfaction can be a good thing.

While lack of eye color change is not something to worry about, you should be concerned if your kitten’s eye color reverts to blue. It can indicate a visual disturbance with your kitten, such as blindness. If it happens with your cat, visit a vet as soon as possible. 

Do All Kittens Have Blue Eyes: FAQs

Below we’ll answer the most searched questions on whether or not all kittens have blue eyes. 

How do you tell if a kitten’s eyes will stay blue?

A few factors, like the breed of the kitten, can help determine if a kitten’s eyes will stay blue. For example, Siamese and Himalayan cats have blue eyes even when they mature. Moreover, kittens born with blue eyes are also likely to have blue eyes as adults, though it can change over time. 

How old is a kitten with blue eyes?

Kittens with blue eyes are generally under seven weeks of age. Some kittens are born with blue eyes, and their eye color stays the same forever. Others watch their blue eyes turning into another color as they turn seven weeks old. This color will then stay in their eyes forever. 

Why are my kitten’s eyes not blue?

Your kitten’s eye color may not be blue for many reasons, including its genetics, age, health, and environment. If your kitten’s parents had green, amber, or copper-colored eyes, it’s unlikely for the young one to have blue eyes. 

Do cats with blue eyes have problems?

Blue eye color in cats doesn’t necessarily indicate any health problems. But some breeds of cats with blue eyes are more prone to certain health issues. For example, white cats with blue eyes often have hearing problems, as the gene responsible for their white color is sometimes linked to the gene that causes deafness. 

What is the rarest kitten eye color?

The rarest kitten eye colors include odd-eyed, amber, and copper colors. Whether or not your kitten gets any of these eye colors depends on its breed, genetics, and geographic location. Moreover, eye color can change as a kitten grows and matures, so the rarest eye color for a kitten may not be the same as the rarest eye color for an adult cat. 

To sum it all up, not all kittens have blue eyes. Though all are born with blue eyes, their eye color changes to default within 4-8 weeks. Some kittens do however retain their blue eye color permanently. For instance, Siamese and Tonkinese cats tend to have blue-colored eyes. If you have a concern regarding your kitten’s eye color, visit a vet as soon as possible!

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